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- Version History
- BranChing Version History Since 1.50
- v1.50
- ScaleSize, {value depends on "USE SCALE BAR" flag}
- { true: ScaleSize = LENGTH in IMAGE UNITS of scale bar}
- { NEED to define scale bar via "GetScaleSize" proc}
- { false: # pixels/unit length}
- Scale: real; {length of scale bar in pixels - set in "GetScaleSize" proc}
- v1.52
- ScaleSize, {Value is equal to "Scale Size"/"Pixels/unit length" field}
- {of Preferences DLOG}
- Scale: real; {ALWAYS = # pixels/unit length}
- {derivation of this value depends on "USE SCALE BAR" flag}
- { true: ScaleSize = ImageScaleLength/ScaleSize}
- { where ImageScaleLength is LENGTH in IMAGE UNITS}
- { of scale bar obtained in "GetScaleSize" proc}
- { false: ScaleSize}
- {Basic Procedure: Scale is set = to ScaleSize at end of Preference DLOG}
- { IF USESCALEBAR then "GetScaleSize" called and Scale is modified as above}
- v 1.53
- • RootMap:
- increased # PosRefMeas (plants) from 50 to 100
- increased # images (plants * time) from 250 to 1000
- v 1.54
- • RootMap:
- added range checking for depth & width
- increased max width (±30) & depth (60)
- changed display of status so that user is notified
- 1-when image being opened
- 2-which file (by name) is currently being processed
- 3-displays correct file name AS it is being opened
- added temp longint variable to CalcStats proc to avoid
- recurrent integer overflow problem with BIG images
- •general
- added display of version via globaal constant string and free
- memory in ABOUT box
- v1.55
- •general
- Added capability of dealing with bitmaps as normally index arrays.
- This capability is currently only used by the SKELETONIZATION
- algorithm as it is applied to complete images - not
- the "edge skel" algorithms used in the ARCH module.
- Because in Pascal you can't define arrays of variable length, this
- system uses predefined arrays of 3000 x 3000 (max
- image size). Each array uses about 1.125 MB RAM.
- These routines (along with changing SCAN DIRECTION routines)
- have resulted in a 2-fold speed improvement.
- Added routine to read short version string (first 4 chars) from
- 'vers' resource ID = 1 which is displayed in ABOUT box.
- v1.56
- •general
- Changed status dialog. Now composed of three text portions (plus all
- old buttons). Each text section is not a consistant "subject".
- Update calls for these sections rely on the use of a global variable
- - the StatusInfo record - where all info about a current
- process is kept.
- The three areas are: Operation, File & Status.
- Fixed bug that caused pop-up menus in Preferences... dialog to behave
- awkwardly.
- Changed timing of appearance of STATUS dialog in ALL modules - dialog
- now appears after standardGetFile dialog used to select file/
- directory to be processed.
- Updated email address in ABOUT dialog to the account I check most
- regularly.
- •Architecture
- Fixed bug with GnuAppend window event handling
- •Count Pixel Types
- added Pan&Bolton calculations
- use 2-D ARRAY for examining pixels now - not bitmap